This is a reminder that parents/carers are responsible for controlling children at all times at the club’s premises when children are not engaged in organised football activities, e.g. matches or training sessions run by coaches.
There have been recent reports that children have been playing unattended in the car park while vehicles are on the move and playing on the pile of road planings/scrapings (incredibly with buckets and spades!) which is currently located in one corner of the car park. We ask you to please ensure that such activities do not happen and please supervise your children while they are onsite.
Please also observe the driveway speed limit and do not park in the Recreation Ground car park opposite.
PARKING COORDINATION: We acknowledge that there have been parking issues recently, particularly during Wednesday evening training. The timing of training sessions has since been amended so that teams training earlier have time to leave before later teams arrive. Please do not arrive earlier or depart later than your allocated times, as doing so risks causing bottlenecks.
The Club is run entirely by unpaid volunteers and there is no available resource to provide regular teams of car park marshals. We rely on the goodwill of people visiting the ground to drive and park sensibly and to look after their own children.
Thank you for your cooperation.