If you want to contact us with a general enquiry, please use the form on the right to send us a message. We endeavour to respond as soon as we can.
Alternatively, if your message concerns something specific, you can try to send direct messages to the committee member or the relevant team head coach.

Visiting Us
LUFC has a dedicated football facility located just outside Tilsworth Village in Central Bedfordshire. We have onsite car parking, but please drive and park considerately adhering to the sign-posted speed limit (this limit is set to protect the children playing and your vehicles). Our site has several pitches for junior and senior youth formats. Your hosting coach will provide a pitch number for your event. If you are unsure where to go once on site, please ask for directions at the Tea Bar.
Facilities: Car Parking, Toilets (inc. Disabled), Tea Bar, Indoor and Outdoor Seating, Disabled Access to Clubhouse, Grass Pitches
Opening Hours
Mon - Fri
Closed to Outside Visitors
9:00 am – 6:00 pm
9:00 am – 6:00 pm